从事内贸海运集装箱门到门(DOOR TO DOOR)运输,码头拖车运输服务。专人负责订舱,跟踪服务,为客户做到点对点服务水平。船期方面:与国内大型船公司中海,中远,中谷新良,南青,安通等有长期协议合作关系,在为客户订舱,询价方面都有优先处理的优势,满足不同客户的不同需求。
营口港、锦州港、大连港: 整个辽宁省、吉林省、黑龙江省(沈阳、长春、哈尔滨、鞍山、抚顺、丹东、吉林、白城、通化、大庆、齐齐哈尔、牡丹江、佳木斯等)freight forwarding company, also is the membership of NVOCC & IATA. After many years of develop, we maintain a close partnership with domestic and foreign shipping companies and airlines, including MAERSK, COSCO, CSCL, EVERGREEN, OOCL, CMA, NORASIA, MSC, CSCL & LUFTHANS, ANA, ATLANTIC, UNITED, etc. In view of the extensive cooperation with shipping companies and airlines, we can provide you more quickly shipping information , accurate shipping schedule and flights agenda, especially for more ample space, better & reasonable price. You will get the best quality service via our handle. Moreover, base on our own hundreds of agents & networks all over the world, your cargoes will be enjoyed incomparable advantages to arrive where your want....