ggdd@2023/9/18 08:59
分类:国际海运货代 | 评论:0 | 浏览:29
admin@2022/2/23 11:42
分类:国际海运货代 | 评论:0 | 浏览:13
admin@2022/1/30 09:09
分类:国际海运货代 | 评论:0 | 浏览:21
admin@2021/11/30 16:59
分类:国际海运货代 | 评论:0 | 浏览:12
admin@2021/10/14 17:25
分类:国际海运货代 | 评论:0 | 浏览:19
WINGOAL develops its main and best line, which has built the Far East to Europe, to Africa, to Mediterranean Sea, to USA, Canada, Far East to Central and South American, and Japan &South Korean, AUSTRALIA New Zealand, Southeast Asia Ec .
Booking: WINGOAL has good contract rate and cooperate relegations with the Evergreen,MSC LINE ,PIL E ,MAERSK LINE ,TYS, COSCO LINE ,APL LINE ,ZIM LINE,NYK LINE OOCL ,CMA-CGM , WANHAI,SINOTRACE .
admin@2021/7/7 08:58
分类:国际海运货代 | 评论:0 | 浏览:12
admin@2021/3/1 18:09
分类:国际海运货代 | 评论:0 | 浏览:17
admin@2020/9/28 14:10
分类:国际海运货代 | 评论:0 | 浏览:52
admin@2020/8/26 14:46
分类:国际海运货代 | 评论:0 | 浏览:15
是经国家商务部批准的国际货运代理企业。总部位于深圳福田国际商圈,现已拥有一批精通国际空运、国际快递及国际海运的专业队伍,在深圳各区均设有营业点,专业从事国际快递、国际空运、国际海运、深港陆运业务,综合汽运、仓储、报关、配送等相关业务较为完善的货运公司。公司经过十年努力,已拥有良好的行业规范和信誉保证,并凭借现代的物流管理模式,在全球设有较为完善的货运服务网络,为客户提供门到门(DOOR TO DOOR)服务。CiBon International Freight Forwarding Co., Ltd. is an international transportation agent! It mainly undertakes the international transportation agency business for seaborne and air cargo. It includes: cargo collection, ship booking, transit, container consolidation, unpacking, customs declaration, inspection, insurance and other related businesses, and provides phytosanitary inspection, Health inspection, commodity inspection, fumigation and so on; also can handle annual inspection, customs registration and warehouse cargo supervision.
admin@2020/5/1 08:24
分类:国际海运货代 | 评论:0 | 浏览:13
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