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1、 中国-天津港、大连港、京唐港、鲅鱼圈港、烟台港,青岛港、连云港、上海港、张家港、南通港、镇江港、南京港等主要港口;
2、 韩国-仁川、群山、釜山、浦项、蔚山、昂山等;
3、 日本-大分、福山、神户、大阪、名古屋、东京、横滨、船桥等主要港口,日本海西岸新泻、富山、秋田等主要港口;
4、 俄罗斯远东地区的海参威、纳霍德卡、瓦尼诺等主要港口;
5、 东南亚地区的越南胡志明港、海防港等;菲律宾的马尼拉、宿务等;印尼的雅加达、泗水、勿拉湾等;马来西亚的巴生、槟城等;新加坡;泰国的曼谷、林查班、克西昌等;缅甸的仰光等主要港口。
As a wholly-owned subsidiary of the group in China Mainland,Shanghai World-Trans freight Agency Co.,Ltd., was founded in 2003.It is offically registered to China Ministry of Commerce for the license of International Frieght Forwarding,and also officially registered to the Ministry of Communication for the NVOCC license. The company has branch offices in most of China coastal cities including Shanghai, Tianjin, Qingdao, Xiamen, Quanzhou, and will further extend it coverage to other port cites and inland larger cities.

has a team of staffs with qualified logistics knowledge and experience. Serving our customers "FULL HEARTEDLY WITH FULL EFFORTS" has always been our service guideline.

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