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比利时海运货运 比利时国际货运



布鲁塞尔(法语:Bruxelles, 荷兰语: Brussel)是比利时最大的城市,也是欧洲联盟的主要行政机构所在地。位于布鲁塞尔首都区的布鲁塞尔市(法语:Bruxelles-ville, 荷兰语:Stad Brussel),是比利时的首都。布鲁塞尔同时也是佛兰德区的首府和比利时法语区的中心。在不同的语境中,布鲁塞尔有着不同的外延。欧洲联盟三个主要的机构当中,欧盟委员会和欧盟部长理事会位于布鲁塞尔,另一个重要机构欧洲议会在布鲁塞尔也有分处(全体议会在法国斯特拉斯堡),所以它有欧洲首都的美誉。另外,北大西洋公约组织的总部也设在布鲁塞尔。UPS,主要市场是美国和欧洲。
特点,以快件优先为前提,有快件的前提下,是走完快件再走普货。淡季走UPS,有时候走得可以,一般欧线常去机场2-3天到,美线常去机场也2-3天;如果是旺季,有时候排舱一周,甚至两周,三周都有发生。所以,选择这个机,一定要考虑,是不是能满足国外对货物到货时间要求,否则,容易做丢客户。We advocate corporate social responsibility and are committed to giving back to society to promote progress and environmental well-being;

We advocate personal social responsibility and encourage our staff to contribute to society with the hope that they will become examplary citizens.

We pay close attention to our customers' every need and strive to exceed their expectations and provide them with ongoing value through technological innovation and excellent service.

We always look to the future. We set increasingly higher goals, and we welcome challenges and strive to realize our ambitions and dreams.
We adhere to the principles of fairness and honesty with customers and partners; we create an atmosphere that is candid, fair, open and efficient for our staff.

We welcome challenges with confidence, courage and passion, and overcome difficulties with a positive attitude. We are motivated by our firm drive for success to continually go forward.

We insist on innovation and firmly believe that everyone has the motivation and capability to achieve it; we integrate our resources with innovative technology, regularly enhance our efficiency, and promote the development of the logistics industry.

We always do our very best. We try to reach the highest level of quality in every detail. We aim high, constantly transcend what we've achieved before and persue self-actualization and the most lofty principles.

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