admin@2015/5/8 11:53
分类:报关知道 | 评论:0 | 浏览:
■ 优势资源:中港散货拼货包车 香港入仓派送 多个大陆和香港集中配送中心
■ 优势资源:中港拖车
■ 其它:珠三角到盐田蛇口拖车及入仓
■ 其它:普通仓储、保税区仓储及转口
Haulage and Warehousing - between Pearl River Delta and Yantian, Shekou, Hong Kong
■ Our Advantage: Haulage between Shenzhen and Hong Kong by container and truck
■ Our Advantage: Distribution, warehousing, and DR to DR dispatch service
■ Others: Haulage between Shenzhen and Pearl River Delta
■ Others: Warehousing and Boned Warehousing services