地处江苏省南通市海安县南莫镇工业园区,公司是集方案、制作螺旋输送机、无轴螺旋输送机、双螺旋输送机、空气斜槽输送机、通风蝶阀、螺旋输送机、手动螺旋闸门、气箱袋式脉冲除尘器、水泥散装机、金属非金属补偿器、除尘器、 除尘设备及除尘器配件为一体的专业出产厂家。除尘器的首要用途是别离工业废气中的颗粒和纤细粉尘,变废为宝加以回收运用。所出产的除尘器质量过硬规范彻底。首要出产布袋除尘器(除尘器布袋)、电除尘器、旋风除尘器、除尘器骨架、除尘布袋、除尘滤袋、脉冲阀、高温布袋、常温布袋、星型卸料器等产品并远销马来西亚、越南、东南亚等各个国家。Being owner of Shenzhen Junli International Shipping Agency Co.,Ltd, SBI was fully licensed qualified international shipping agencies in Shenzhen for Oversea carriers customs broker and now handling shipping lines like APL, Hyundai, CMA and etc.
Sea –railway Multi model Transportation
Senbang is the first forwarding company in China to integrated Sea-rail way Multi Model transportation, connecting China inland Hunan, Yunnan, and Sichuan with eastern seaports. To fulfill One -Stop services. Working with our customers to determine their real needs and delivering professional reliable services to meet those needs is our strength