With our expertise, uncompromising service, and very competitive rates, WDI is the best choice for all of your air export needs. Our staff is well versed in the many technical aspects of China. Government regulations, State and Commerce Department licensing requirements, transportation documentation, international collection and banking procedures. In addition, we have extensive experience handling specialized shipments 。
Whether you need express service, air / surface combinations or other types of service, we can arrange the best shipping options to meet your specific needs for safety, schedule and location.纺织品,服装,玩具,工艺品,矿产,化工,机械,电子,农副产品等品种.目前已与世界上许多国家:日本,美国,法国,德国,英国,意大利,加拿大等国建立了友好贸易关系.本公司还承接进出口货物的代理业务,协助工厂和外商商务洽谈,本公司实力雄厚、人力资源丰富,拥有一批勤劳敬业、具有专业技能的从事多年外贸工作的优秀业务员。公司拥有一个子公司---杭州绿瀛园艺有限公司,主要经营:木制品、铁制品、铝制品等园艺用品及工艺品。