The subordinate's declaration company of mine has many specialized staff qualified to apply for Customs, We had built a long-term good relations with many import-export trade company before.To partial enterprise noimport and export licence, we may provide the declaration service andhandles the Commodity Inspection (C/I), Certificate of Origin (C/O), Form-A (FA)-- Form-A endorsed by Hongkong consulate, CO endorsed by Hongkong, Guangzhou, Beijing embassy, Cargo Insurance, Health Certificate, Certificate of Fumigation and so on the trade procedure and documents, the settlement of exchange and make the letter of credit (L/C). The proxy commodity scope includes: Toy, extract goods, clothing, handbag, footwear, plastic product, hardware product, electronic products, ceramic handicraft, furniture, resin handicraft, Christmas present, decorative lighting, ironwork andso on. If you do business like grocery(daily, general merchandise), dry and fresh goods, the refrigeration, the dangerous material and the ordinary chemical industry, we also can help you go through Customs smoothly. 我司拥有一批经验丰富的报关报检精英,能够为您提供准确、通顺、高效的专业化通关服务;目前公司主要业务范围有:报关、报检、报危、保税及普通货物仓储、国际国内运输、信息咨询等服务项目;公司现进出口申报的主要货物种类有:食品、化工产品、危险品、纺织品、机械设备、木制品等。