p is a fast growing and dynamic company, we are from a small local domestic transport company over past decade through our unremitting endeavors and efforts, overcame every challenge we ever faced, now we are a having over 200 employees and 168 partners’ global networking logistics company. As the member of independent and professional GLOBAL NETWORKS through the close bond cooperates with our agents and partners all over the world, it makes us outstanding from other competitors, we are proud to say we are professional at both domestics and international freight forwarding business, we provide all bases cover services to our customers from every corner from China throughout the world.服务范围覆盖全球 30 多个国家和地区超过 100 多个重要港口,覆盖美、欧、亚、非、澳 五大洲无限海外市场;在现代企业管理理论指导下,紧密结合企业实际状况,坚持精益管理,发挥系统集成作用,加强现代企业制度建设,建立健全综合管理体系,以热情的服务态度、高效的服务流程、完善的服务网络、齐全的服务功能、精干的服务队伍为广大客户提供安全、快捷、经济、诚信、周到、高效的全天候集装箱进出口外贸运输服务。