admin@2018/9/6 15:35
分类:国际空运货代 | 评论:0 | 浏览:
International air freight
The volume contract and space allotment with reputable airlines protects year round space needs and stabilizes cost both in peak and off peak season. There is no secret that in the suppliers’ market, one who possesses the contract and allotment provides the service quality and budgeted freight costing.
AWOT is a market proven service provider for our customers being it an airport to airport shipment, door to airport or door to door movement, big or small, dense or volumetric cargo.公司的核心价值观: 天行健,君子以自强不息;地势坤,君子以厚德载物。辽阔的天空,广袤的大地,此二物是为“887”代号其中之“8”; 东西南北中,海陆空三线一体运输,通达天下。东西南北中连接的不仅仅是客户等待货物到来那期盼的心情,更是我们的全力以赴,此为“887”之“8”; 勤以立身,俭以养性,容以量心,仁以弘爱,义以和缘,礼以成行,智以德道,信以达济。此八种信念是为“887”之“7”,更是中集信达全体员工恪守的为人、处事理念. 我们坚信,我们传递的不仅仅是客户的货物,更重要的是一份信任。只有坚持诚信、热心,周到的服务才能将这份信任完美的传递下去,成为一流的货运公司是我们共同的愿景,我们会为之不懈奋斗![IMG]upload/201809061806497678.jpg[/IMG]